The Lectures

Under the auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Omaha, Neb., Judge William G. Ewing of Chicago, Ill., delivered a lecture at the Creighton-Orpheum Theatre on Friday evening, June 29. A very large and representative audience gathered to hear the speaker, who took for his subject, "Christian Science, the Religion of Jesus Christ." In introducing Judge Ewing, Attorney Robert W. Richardson said:—

In these June evenings when the open air has such persuasive charm for us, a greeting from such a splendid audience as this is truly inspiring. It is, as well, a deserved compliment to the distinguished gentleman we welcome to deliver the address of the evening, and also manifests your interest in the subject for discussion.

Judge Ewing, I would have you reflect that you are now in Omaha, one of the principal stations on the "Main Line" around the world, and never yet elsewhere have you had the pleasure of meeting a more generous and broad-minded audience.

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There is Rest and Peace on Earth
July 26, 1900

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