Dawson is interested in a one-legged newsboy, and when, after a year's stay there, he started on his return to the States, all the men of the town and the miners from the creeks formed a procession and marched to the landing to wish him godspeed and a quick return.
the closing day of the last year, which the Chicago Times-Hearld accepted as the closing day of the nineteenth century, that paper improved the occasion to issue a special "end of the century" number, which is notable in many ways, and contains information of the progress of the one hundred years between 1800 and 1900 that will cause it to be preserved by many for future use.
with contributions from I. T. Kahn, Alfred Orendorff, A. M. Antrobus
Judge Ewing of Chicago, who is a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, addressed a large audience in Matthews Hall, Sunday evening, January 7.
A Feature
of the midweek meetings of the Christian Scientists is the impromptu speaking of members of the congregation in the time allotted for that purpose, during which they relate their experiences in Christian Science and give testimonies of healing.
We can only answer the inquiries coming to us as to the meaning of the By-law relating to reading rooms by referring the inquirer to the article "As to Questions" in the Sentinel of January 11.
is no subject which to-day is attracting more attention from thinking people than Christian Science, and it may be helpful to consider some of the reasons why this new yet old system of healing is appealing to multitudes of suffering humanity.
The Bible has been a quarry for sculptors, a gallery for painters, a text-book for orators, a standard for poets, and a dictionary of quotations for everybody.
I wish to add my testimony to those appearing in the Sentinel, and tell of my gratitude to my heavenly Father for the restoration to health, through Christian Science, of a son who was considered a hopeless case.
Seeing so many good testimonies given in the Sentinel, I think it my duty to give to Christian Science due credit for what it has done for me in overcoming the liquor habit that kept me in bondage for twenty years.
It has been about two years since I first heard of Christian Science, and the first knowledge I had was the healing of my husband of several troubles; among others was partial blindness.
"If you read the lives of the men who have best served the world and brought it forward out of darkness into truth and righteousness, and perhaps left behind them imperishable names," says Rev.
When the hieroglyphic inscriptions of ancient Egypt first came to be deciphered and read, one of the earliest questions put to their interpreters was, Have you discovered any allusions in them to the Israelites and their exodus out of Egypt?
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