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How comforting to know that the world can neither give us stability nor take it away. We have that stability now in God’s spiritual reality.
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Finding refuge in church

The prayers of those present in church services—acknowledging God, good, as All—can help us feel our God-given safety as well as our unity with fellow children of this one, omnipotent God.
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Why would I ever allow an untrue view of a loved family member—of anyone, for that matter—to linger in my thought? I realized that as the expression of divine Life, my dad’s true selfhood had never been subject to matter or mortality, but had always reflected the Life that is eternal Spirit.
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Unlimited you

Instead of counting limits,
turn your face to Love’s light ...
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My prayers for peace

When my husband was part of an international peacekeeping force away from home, I learned to entrust his safety as well as mine and our children’s to God. 
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I knew I had dominion over any scared or nervous thoughts. If I felt nervous at all, I still knew I was safe every time.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
TeenConnect: Your Healings

My healing was complete

What should have been a fun evening around the campfire turned into an uncomfortable experience for this teen, who found he couldn’t tolerate the smoke. Could a change in thought bring healing?
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Sentinel Watch

Saved from sexual assault

This week’s guest, Lisa Rennie Sytsma, shares how she turned to God during a disturbing experience—and how it became a holy moment.

Where we live

It is a place we know so well,
though not a house ...
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It became clear to me that the type of sexist treatment we had experienced and the belief that it had to be tolerated as “just the way it is” had to be challenged for everyone’s benefit, not just my own.
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Testimony of Healing
I felt a glow of light that seemed greater than the sunlight. I realized that this child was wrapped up in love and that I was, too.
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Testimony of Healing
I was determined to know that divine Love was at the helm of my thought and that I could go to the audition without fear or uncertainty.
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Testimony of Healing
I prayerfully affirmed that I am spiritual, with no material parts that could malfunction. 
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Bible Lens
God’s calling elements of creation by name confirms their distinct identities and His dominion over them.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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What the heart wants

To be effective, prayer needs to be God centered, not “me” centered. Of course God meets our practical needs. The Bible tells us that God loves us, and He does. We see our needs met as we grow in our love for both God and man and act on that love.  
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Making the effort to understand spiritual reality and our unbreakable relationship to God brings good to all of the other endeavors of life.
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Inspiration, rest, productivity, comfort, alertness, energy, and satisfaction are all qualities of God that we each include as God’s image and likeness. Knowing this, we reach less and less for what doesn’t serve us or help us see God as the continuous source of these qualities.
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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
I felt a deep, persistent desire to understand this Science and to really know God. I wanted the kind of knowing that comes from a direct, definitive experience of the divine presence in my life—giving me a foundation I could stand on even if doubts or questions arose.
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TeenConnect: Q&A
I began considering the God-given, spiritual qualities that I naturally express, such as strength, resilience, goodness, and joy. I started to realize that these qualities couldn’t come and go; they were hardwired in me.
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Testimony of Healing
The moment my thought changed, the problem disappeared. I had experienced spiritual healing.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
TeenConnect: Your Healings

My healing was complete

What should have been a fun evening around the campfire turned into an uncomfortable experience for this teen, who found he couldn’t tolerate the smoke. Could a change in thought bring healing?
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Sentinel Watch

Saved from sexual assault

This week’s guest, Lisa Rennie Sytsma, shares how she turned to God during a disturbing experience—and how it became a holy moment.

Where we live

It is a place we know so well,
though not a house ...
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It became clear to me that the type of sexist treatment we had experienced and the belief that it had to be tolerated as “just the way it is” had to be challenged for everyone’s benefit, not just my own.
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Testimony of Healing
A few days later, the skin dried and regenerated, looking like new. Not even a scar remained.
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Testimony of Healing

Fatigue gone

What a joy and relief it is to know our one true source, God, supplies all needs. 
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Loud and clear

I listen, opening my thought—
no preconceptions when I pray.
I clear the clutter from my mind …
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Bible Lens

Christian Science

Jesus expresses absolute conviction about the continuation and growth of Christian healing.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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Know it

Those needing God’s help can tangibly feel Christ’s healing presence and can assuredly declare, “I am well, and I know it.” 
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I’ve learned from experience that our prayers are incomplete untilwe put the inspiration we get from God into practice.
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Abiding in Love

It is a joy to accept the invitation to abide in Love and experience that harmony right here, right now.
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The journey

I seek, but know not what I need.
I walk, but cannot find the way.
The burden heavy, the outlook dim.
          One day ...
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Instead of feeling responsible for coming up with a solution for a problem, we can turn wholeheartedly to God and listen for His angels.
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God’s ideas reflect the immortal, unerring, and infinite.—Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 505
This Week’s Featured Online Content
TeenConnect: Your Healings

My healing was complete

What should have been a fun evening around the campfire turned into an uncomfortable experience for this teen, who found he couldn’t tolerate the smoke. Could a change in thought bring healing?
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Sentinel Watch

Saved from sexual assault

This week’s guest, Lisa Rennie Sytsma, shares how she turned to God during a disturbing experience—and how it became a holy moment.

Where we live

It is a place we know so well,
though not a house ...
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It became clear to me that the type of sexist treatment we had experienced and the belief that it had to be tolerated as “just the way it is” had to be challenged for everyone’s benefit, not just my own.
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I listened for a good thought from God to know how to answer.
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Testimony of Healing

The healing power of the Lord’s Prayer

By the time I got through the entire prayer, I was completely free from pain and discomfort.
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Testimony of Healing

Injured arm healed

As I continued to pray, the pain disappeared and normal use of the arm returned day by day. 
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Testimony of Healing

A healing of PTSD

I needed to forgive the driver who had hit my car. 
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Bible Lens

Soul and Body

To seek the kingdom of God is to desire His goodness and righteousness; to seek it first is to place it above everything else.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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No other choice

I realized that despite praying for healing, I wasn’t seeing myself as worthy of healing.
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The naturalness of going to church had been tamped down, and not only did I no longer feel the impulse to go, but I felt a desire not to.
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Institutional work has taught me the importance of loving myself—seeing myself as God sees me—so that I can freely love others and be available to serve God in the way He points out.
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Unity of Spirit

What connects us, one to another?
It is the unity of Spirit—
One fellowship for all mankind …
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As I thought about my teammates, I had to bring into focus in my thinking God’s consciousness of their identities as His purely spiritual expression. I had to fill my thoughts about them with how they were known in Truth and embraced by Love.
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TeenConnect: Turning Point
I turned to prayer and let go of how I wanted things to turn out, instead trusting God with every aspect of my life.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
TeenConnect: Your Healings

My healing was complete

What should have been a fun evening around the campfire turned into an uncomfortable experience for this teen, who found he couldn’t tolerate the smoke. Could a change in thought bring healing?
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Sentinel Watch

Saved from sexual assault

This week’s guest, Lisa Rennie Sytsma, shares how she turned to God during a disturbing experience—and how it became a holy moment.

Where we live

It is a place we know so well,
though not a house ...
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It became clear to me that the type of sexist treatment we had experienced and the belief that it had to be tolerated as “just the way it is” had to be challenged for everyone’s benefit, not just my own.
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Testimony of Healing
As I thought deeply about these ideas, various neck, shoulder, and back pains I had been feeling up until that moment completely dissolved. I hadn’t even realized that I had been so tense. I was able to sit up taller with ease, as if a weight had been lifted off of me.
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Testimony of Healing

Hip injury healed

The overriding thought that kept coming to me was that faithfully fulfilling my responsibility would lead to healing.
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Testimony of Healing

Relationships improve, pain disappears

Over the next three or four days, the pain in my mouth lessened before disappearing completely. During the event, all I could see was abundant, genuine love expressed among all those attending.
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Bible Lens
Biblical prophets often described themselves as watchmen—discerning God’s Word and watching over His people.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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We can lean on the power of God to uproot the lie that mortal mind is trying to impose as our history and rightly rewrite that material history with the goodness of God as the formative source—the only source—of our genuine past, present, or future.
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Much more than just exchanging warm hellos once or twice a week with people sharing the same pew, our fellowship strengthens us individually and collectively, especially when challenges arise.
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Gracious Father, in Thy love, 
Send Thy blessings from above; 
Let Thy light, Thy truth, Thy peace 
Bid all strife and tumult cease. Christian Science HymnalNo. 72

Why wait for healing?

When it seemed that circumstances were stacked against an individual, or the situation seemed irredeemable, Jesus’ understanding of God, good, and trust in his heavenly Father necessarily brought healing and salvation.
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I stopped checking to see if the water was rising. I realized that my only job was to bear witness to God’s omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniaction.
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Healing at hockey camp

Mom got out a book that had helped Hunter before because it has lots of stories about God in it.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
TeenConnect: Your Healings

My healing was complete

What should have been a fun evening around the campfire turned into an uncomfortable experience for this teen, who found he couldn’t tolerate the smoke. Could a change in thought bring healing?
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Sentinel Watch

Saved from sexual assault

This week’s guest, Lisa Rennie Sytsma, shares how she turned to God during a disturbing experience—and how it became a holy moment.

Where we live

It is a place we know so well,
though not a house ...
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It became clear to me that the type of sexist treatment we had experienced and the belief that it had to be tolerated as “just the way it is” had to be challenged for everyone’s benefit, not just my own.
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Testimony of Healing
What came to me that day was to ponder deeply whether I really believed in and understood Jesus’ life—his words and works.
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Testimony of Healing

Healings during law school

In just a moment or two, all the symptoms simply vanished. I had a complete healing of that chronic condition.
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Testimony of Healing
I realized that the same “law of the Spirit of life” that Christ Jesus demonstrated was active, present, and had made me inherently and naturally free from any quality or condition unlike God. The illness left me immediately.
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Bible Lens
Jesus emphasizes that God desires inner purification rather than mere outward cleansing.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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The heart of humility

Through humility we see our nature as God-sourced and God-maintained—and everyone else’s as well. 
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There it was again! These explosions of temper were growing more severe, and I needed help.
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I could see clearly that in my intense focus on doing well at my job, I had become rigid and high-strung. That day I committed myself to a new way of living based on a desire for a life “in accord with God.”
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How I Found Christian Science

My life changed forever

Since my son’s return to health, I have been reading the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and I’ve realized that a life dedicated to God brings out a beauty and love that have always been deep inside of me.
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Dear Father-Mother, as I pray,
O let me see eternal light—
the light of Love and Soul supreme
that banishes the earthly dream … 
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TeenConnect: Your Healings

What’s my motive?

I’d been looking at this as a chance to perform and to show off what I thought was my talent, when my motive should have been to glorify God.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
TeenConnect: Your Healings

My healing was complete

What should have been a fun evening around the campfire turned into an uncomfortable experience for this teen, who found he couldn’t tolerate the smoke. Could a change in thought bring healing?
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Sentinel Watch

Saved from sexual assault

This week’s guest, Lisa Rennie Sytsma, shares how she turned to God during a disturbing experience—and how it became a holy moment.

Where we live

It is a place we know so well,
though not a house ...
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It became clear to me that the type of sexist treatment we had experienced and the belief that it had to be tolerated as “just the way it is” had to be challenged for everyone’s benefit, not just my own.
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Testimony of Healing

Healed of a brain tumor

The doctors told me that the X-rays they had taken the previous week, which had confirmed their diagnosis, didn’t match the ones they now held in their hands. They said, “There is absolutely no evidence of a tumor.”
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Testimony of Healing

Safe in an undertow

I knew these thoughts were coming to me as pure guidance from God, and I could trust them. I stopped struggling, relaxed, and thought of God’s love for me and the whole universe.
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Testimony of Healing
I kept my thought focused only on what God was telling me every moment. I went about my daily activities giving gratitude for everything I was able to do. I was walking freely within a couple of days.
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Bible Lens

God the Preserver of Man

Hearing God’s Word calls for active adherence to His commands.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.