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Audio Chats
October 14, 2014
Seeing clearly: how sight can be restored through spiritual vision
Live audio chat with Janet Heineman Clements
In this chat, Janet Clements answers questions from people dealing with a wide range of eyesight troubles, and she shares helpful ideas to consider in praying for healing of these issues. Her answers help to show what true sight really is--an indestructible, eternal faculty of God, Spirit, which God expresses in each of us forever. She shows how vision problems can be healed through this spiritual understanding.
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Our God-given freedom from disease
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Healing and renewal after divorce
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Climate change: How prayer can help
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Prayer and safety from school violence
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"I shall not die, but live..."
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Adicción a las drogas: La oración puede ayudar
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Mental surgery: the healing power of divine Mind
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Discovering your God-given innocence
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Aging is not inevitable
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Why loving God is key
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Supporting honest government
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How can I be a better healer?
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Breaking free from sensuality
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Breaking the impulse to judge others—or yourself
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Thanksgiving—giving gratitude to God
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A life filled with purpose, not stress
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Jesus: Living and proving the love of Christ
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Christmas: A reminder of God's great gift
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Our essential place in God's creation