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Audio Chats
October 7, 2014
Aging is not inevitable
Live audio chat with Melanie Ball
"The point of prayer," Melanie explains, "is not to prolong life in matter, but to reveal that Life is in Spirit, God." She says that in reality, each of us is the perfect child of God's creating, and so our real life mission is founded, ordered, and brought to full fruition in obedience to spiritual law. It is therefore entirely unaffected by DNA, medical opinion, and physical environment. Site visitors ask many questions about how they can understand and demonstrate these concepts in their own lives.
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Prayer for world peace
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Our God-given freedom from disease
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Healing and renewal after divorce
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Climate change: How prayer can help
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Prayer and safety from school violence
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"I shall not die, but live..."
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Adicción a las drogas: La oración puede ayudar
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Mental surgery: the healing power of divine Mind
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Discovering your God-given innocence
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Why loving God is key
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Supporting honest government
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How can I be a better healer?
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Breaking free from sensuality
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Breaking the impulse to judge others—or yourself
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Thanksgiving—giving gratitude to God
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A life filled with purpose, not stress
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Jesus: Living and proving the love of Christ
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Christmas: A reminder of God's great gift