When I trusted God, I was healed

I was on a service trip abroad in Costa Rica, where I was spending my time helping turtles. I did a lot of swimming my first week and didn’t think much about it, but one day I felt pain in my ear. I thought it was because of all the time I had spent in the water. That day I avoided activities that involved swimming and anything else that I thought would make the condition worse. Because I wanted to be able to enjoy my trip, I just tried to pretend that the problem didn’t exist. 

The next day, though, as I touched my ear, I found that the pain was more intense. I was worried that something bad was going to happen to my ear if I didn’t do anything about it. So I took a moment to sit down and pray. I knew I could to turn to God because I’ve had other healings in the past when I’ve prayed.

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I avoided activities that involved swimming and anything else that I thought would make the condition worse.

To find some inspiration for my prayers, I picked up an article from the Christian Science Sentinel. It was about trusting God with your finances. I wasn’t sure what that might have to do with my ear, but I read it anyway. 

The writer talked about how their fear about money had been holding them back from trusting their finances to God. The concept of fear holding me back really stood out to me because I realized that I had been letting this ear problem stop me from having fun and doing things I wanted to do. 

As I thought about how I could let go of my fears about pain, I tried to think about what I knew was true about the situation from a spiritual perspective. The spiritual perspective is that God, who is Spirit, made me spiritual. I could trust that the spiritual perspective was the truth about me—that I’m whole and perfect because God made me that way. 

I knew in that moment that I could let go of the fear and could instead focus on having fun and doing good things during my trip, knowing that God was taking care of me.

I knew in that moment that I could let go of the fear that I would never be able to fix the pain in my ear. I could instead focus on having fun and doing good things during my trip, knowing that God was taking care of me. I was confident in what I know about God, so I put my trust in Him, just as the author of the article did. 

Soon after this realization, the pain completely disappeared. Since then, I’ve had no further problems with my ears. I had a great rest of my trip, too.

This healing has taught me to be more steadfast when I pray and that there are no limits to God’s power and healing love.

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