What’s my motive?

Originally appeared online in the teen series Your Healings -  April 2, 2024.

I love participating in the arts—I dance, act, sing, and play an instrument. I’m even thinking about musical theater as a career, so I joined a local Christian youth theater company to continue my singing training. This theater company also asked me to be part of a worship team, where I sing Christian songs with a small acoustic band every Saturday morning.  

I was excited to have this opportunity and began diligently practicing the songs I was assigned. I felt good about my performance when I sang with the group. But I also felt I was approaching rehearsals in a way that really stressed me out. Soon, I realized why. 

During one practice, we were discussing whether we should change the song order or even add a new song on the fly. There were some concerns about this, and some people in the group felt that it might not be a good idea because our voices would be unprepared and the songs under-practiced. 

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Testimony of Healing
Healed of a brain tumor
June 10, 2024

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