Letters & Conversations

> Mark Swinney, “What does the future hold?Sentinel, August 26, 2024

I love how this article, with its practical approach to prayer, just jumped up in my news feed right when I needed assurance that God is All-in-all and in complete control of His universe. What a blessing. 

Seaward B. Grant, Santa Barbara, California, US

> Christy Ellington Henderson, “You are precious in God’s sight,Sentinel, August 5, 2024

 I loved this inspiring and insightful article! I’ve read and listened to it several times and also shared it with friends whose “glow for good” has brightened my life. Thank you for making it so easy to share Sentinel articles and other content.

Susan Williams, Dallas, Texas, US

> So appreciative

I am so appreciative of Sentinel articles. They are not only very inspiring but practical—supporting me in healing in my day-to-day experience. Also, I am a Sunday School teacher, and these articles are an aid in presenting to my classes in an engaging way concepts and ideas relevant to each week’s subject in the Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly.

Marty Evanson, Madison, Wisconsin, US

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September 30, 2024

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