Truth is operating

Truth is still operating, even if your knees are knocking under the table.” These comforting words came from the Christian Science practitioner I had just called. I had asked the practitioner (someone who prays for others seeking healing) to pray with me about a scary situation I was facing.

To me, what she was saying was that the immediacy of a human need has no effect whatsoever on the operation of God’s—Truth’s—law. “Divinity is always ready. Semper paratus is Truth’s motto,” Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science, writes in her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (p. 458). 

The operation of Truth’s law is not dependent on us. This law is unchanging and universal. It is forever right here for us to turn to, ever in operation, ever ready to meet our need, because that’s what law does. The laws of mathematics work 24/7, and they work the same for an eight-year-old doing her homework as they do for an engineer designing a massive bridge. The law of God is the same: The size of the need is irrelevant to its capacity to help us.

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To ‘endure all things’
September 30, 2024

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