Eye difficulty healed

I woke up one morning feeling much pain in one of my eyes, and I couldn’t open it. I thought it was an eye infection, and I informed my wife of the problem. 

As I often do, in both good times and bad, I prayed. I recognized God as my loving Father, who would never leave me or cause me any harm. I felt God’s presence and was confident that I could rely on Him for healing. I knew that God’s perfection is untouched, and so is mine as His image. And since I reflect Him, I was perfect right then and always, so the infection had to be untrue.

I prayed the Lord’s Prayer with its spiritual interpretation from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (see pp. 16–17). I knew that an understanding of God and His creation deep in my heart was enough to bring healing. I stayed the whole day in prayer, knowing that I am in God’s hands. After two days, the symptoms vanished. I was healed.

Paul Ngugi
Kitengela, Kenya

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Testimony of Healing
Expecting a “bright tomorrow” heals
September 30, 2024

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