Expecting a “bright tomorrow” heals

Several years ago, my sweet cat became quite ill and unresponsive. It looked as though she might pass on, and I knew she needed me to express spiritual strength and care in order to help her. This kitty always seemed to enjoy listening to me sing to her. I could tell because she would immediately come running and begin to purr. So all through that night, I lay next to her, singing hymns from the Christian Science Hymnal and acknowledging the profound spiritual truths articulated in the verses.

Hymn 350 was particularly fitting. Its theme is that all will be well, all must be well, and all is well—forever. The reason for this confidence is that we all live in God and are embraced in His constant, abundant love, animals included. It was comforting to know that changeless divine Life is the only thing going on for both me and my sweet kitty.

The final verse of the hymn begins confidently: “We expect a bright tomorrow, / All will be well” (Mary Peters, adapt. © CSBD). As I sang this verse, I knew it was just the message I needed to fully trust infinite Life, God. Gradually, my thought shifted to an undoubting expectation of only and all good. I was certain that there would be complete healing, and that the state of perfection that the hymn promises is present right now and always for all of God’s creation. I knew that the source of care for my cat had always been God and that in God’s care, all really is well. 

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Testimony of Healing
No more rash
September 30, 2024

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