The healing power of the Lord’s Prayer

When I was a freshman at a college for children of Christian Scientists, one day in class I suddenly began to feel very ill. I knew that the restroom downstairs had a separate room with a bed. I went there and lay down, thinking that if I could just rest for a minute, I would feel better. I did not feel better and instead grew worse. My thoughts became more and more frantic as the discomfort increased. This was before cellphones, so I wasn’t able to call anyone to help me. I didn’t know what to do. 

I had attended Christian Science Sunday School my whole life, so it has always been natural to turn to God in prayer whenever I have any difficulties in my life. I had consistently seen that needs are met by praying, whether on my own or with the help of my mother or a Christian Science practitioner. 

Now, reaching out to God, I suddenly remembered that my current Sunday School teacher’s wife worked in the same building, and although I had met her only once or twice, I remembered her name. At that moment, another student came into the bathroom, and I asked her if she would go upstairs and ask this woman to come and help me. I felt that this message of how I could get help and the timeliness of the girl coming in were answers to my outreach to God. 

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Testimony of Healing
Injured arm healed
May 20, 2024

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