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Take a closer look … spiritually
As I looked out my window one day, I took in the beauty of the snow that was covering all of the trees with its glistening whiteness. For a moment I thought I saw the sun shining through the dense snowfall. As I took a closer look, it turned out to be light from a tower. I thought about this in relation to Christian Science and healing: Is there a light that can shine through clouds of heaviness—a light that can reveal what is true? I can say with all sincerity that yes, there is!
Turning to God in prayer and quietly listening enables one to feel and hear God’s comforting, healing message. Spiritual light shines through fear, doubt, and worry. This message of God’s love is the Christ coming to the human consciousness.
The Christ, which Jesus demonstrated, is here and now, always. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy gives this spiritual definition of Christ: “The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error” (p. 583). Through listening to the message of the Christ, one learns to challenge evil, sickness, and lack with the knowledge of God’s, Spirit’s, omnipresence and goodness. Everyone can learn to do this, because our spiritual nature is that of God’s own children, reflecting His authority.
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January 7, 2019 issue
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From the readers
Jeffrey Clark, Jill Crawford, Joan Atkinson
Grace-filled days
Laura Clayton
Church lifted me out of grief
Yvonne Renoult
Ah, light!
Kim Shippey
Take a closer look … spiritually
Peggy Gordon
Playing fair by divine Love’s rules
Ellen Clark Anderson
‘I can rely on God for healing’
Ishita Chopra
Me? Beautiful?
Kaily Johnson
Painful burn quickly healed
J. Kimberley Bain
Double vision healed
Kevin Graunke
Injured pet healed
Virginia Cervantes
'Lord, may Thy truth upon the heart ...'
Photograph by Bonny Barry Sanders
‘Your spiritual progress is assured’
Kim Crooks Korinek