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Stomach pain quickly healed
One night a few months ago, after attending a Wednesday evening testimony meeting at my local Church of Christ, Scientist, I was getting ready to go to bed when I began to have terrible pains in my stomach. This kept me from doing much, so I quickly got in bed.
My thought was on what I had been reading recently in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. The suggestions that we are material and separate from God (referred to in Christian Science as coming from a supposed mortal mind) would lead me to believe I was subject to ups and downs in my health. But I thought of the wonderful testimonies that had been given at church that evening, that shared how individuals refused to believe mortal mind’s suggestions, and instead realized their oneness with God. This had resulted in healing, and one of the testimonies that night even included an account of an individual being healed while in bed because of not feeling well.
My husband came in the bedroom soon afterward to check on me and called a Christian Science practitioner for me to give metaphysical treatment. The practitioner reminded me that it wasn’t my stomach that wasn’t well; rather, the pain was only a lie of mortal mind. We spoke for a few moments, then hung up. The practitioner’s prayer for me was evident, because I began to feel better right away. I changed my thought about the situation: Instead of identifying myself as composed of matter and subject to disease or discomfort, I realized that God, divine Mind, created me, governs me, and keeps me perfect in all ways.
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January 8, 2018 issue
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From the readers
Jill Johnson, Gail Teixeira
Strive for an enlightened response to news
Margaret Mayer
Healing after sexual abuse
Diane Marrapodi
Taking the side to end war—divine Love’s side
Judith Cole
Learning to lean on God
Corrina Kitchen
Safe at first base
Alyssa Savoye
God’s care proved in remote wilderness
David C. Warne
Stomach pain quickly healed
Barbara F. Burley
Running freely again
Joe Funston
Quick healing of ankle injuries
Mary Ann Lomascolo
Walk with me
Joni Overton-Jung
Why #MeToo spread around the world
The <i>Monitor’s</i> Editorial Board
MeToo and the potential for healing
Susie Jostyn
Our true origin and preexistence with God
David C. Kennedy