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Prayer wipes out knee pain
A year and a half ago, a severe pain developed in my knee. It became very difficult to sit for more than five minutes at my computer. At night, sleep was only possible with my leg perfectly straight. Having experienced many healings in Christian Science, I felt no need to get a diagnosis or treatment from a doctor. I was confident I could rely on God for healing.
Immobility is one of the beliefs mortal mind likes to suggest about aging. But turning to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, I found this statement by Mary Baker Eddy: “Mind is the source of all movement, and there is no inertia to retard or check its perpetual and harmonious action” (p. 283). Further on, she says, “To Truth there is no error,—all is Truth. To infinite Spirit there is no matter,—all is Spirit, divine Principle and its idea” (p. 475).
I affirmed that, as a reflection of the all-harmonious divine Mind, I could express unlimited activity without pain. I insisted that freedom of movement is available to all, and it is our divine right to claim it. In three days the pain eased greatly, but I needed to continue praying for several months after that, as I experienced spasmodic pain in my knee a few times a week. Each time it recurred, I thought about Mrs. Eddy’s statement: “A spiritual idea has not a single element of error, and this truth removes properly whatever is offensive” (Science and Health, p. 463). The declaration of the truth would relieve the pain, and this quick response reassured me that whatever offends has no real identity, no position, no purpose, no power, because the one Mind never created it. It was simply a mortal belief, error, and not the reality of my true, spiritual nature.
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April 7, 2014 issue
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Catalina, Karen T. Hasek, Jana Rowland, Jane Keogh
Have you forgiven Judas?
Dorothy Estes
Angels on a train
Heather Libbe
A 'Rocky Mountain high'
Annette Dutenhoffer
Your present standpoint
Mark Swinney
Impact moments
Carol Rullman
"Spiritually interpreted, rocks and mountains..."
Photograph by Steve Ryf
'Really free!'
Mary Trammell
Challenges overcome
Estela O. Badol
Everlasting arms of Love
Nate Frederick
Shining on stage
Stephen Hanlin
Giving eliminates loneliness
Kayla E. McCulley-Stevens
Grateful teenager shares healing
Jeffrey Ross
Son's finger healed
Russell Whittaker with contributions from Andy Whittaker
Prayer wipes out knee pain
Donald A. Wilson
A grateful, fulfilled life
Hannelore F. Fuchs
Marathon prayer
The Editors