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Grateful teenager shares healing
One day this past winter, I noticed red bumps on my body. I first became fearful and attempted to diagnose this condition. Soon, it appeared even worse. That night I focused on my spiritual perfection as God’s child, instead of trying to fix “bad matter” and somehow turn it into “good matter” through prayer; I am completely spiritual and not made up of matter at all. Even though I’d learned these things in Sunday School and from healings in my family, I still felt fearful about what I saw.
I’d learned through studying Christian Science that I can’t be hypnotized into believing that I am separated from the love and care of God. So I prayed to feel and understand this. The next day, my parents and I decided it was wise for me to stay home from school, and I called a Christian Science practitioner for support.
The practitioner explained to me that because there is one perfect cause (God) there can only be a perfect effect (man); I could not deviate from my naturally perfect state of being. Also, I read this in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, “Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God’s own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick” (pp. 476–477). As I prayed to understand and apply this, I was able to see myself more clearly as God’s perfect spiritual idea.
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April 7, 2014 issue
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Catalina, Karen T. Hasek, Jana Rowland, Jane Keogh
Have you forgiven Judas?
Dorothy Estes
Angels on a train
Heather Libbe
A 'Rocky Mountain high'
Annette Dutenhoffer
Your present standpoint
Mark Swinney
Impact moments
Carol Rullman
"Spiritually interpreted, rocks and mountains..."
Photograph by Steve Ryf
'Really free!'
Mary Trammell
Challenges overcome
Estela O. Badol
Everlasting arms of Love
Nate Frederick
Shining on stage
Stephen Hanlin
Giving eliminates loneliness
Kayla E. McCulley-Stevens
Grateful teenager shares healing
Jeffrey Ross
Son's finger healed
Russell Whittaker with contributions from Andy Whittaker
Prayer wipes out knee pain
Donald A. Wilson
A grateful, fulfilled life
Hannelore F. Fuchs
Marathon prayer
The Editors