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In her true light...
A look at the unpublished writings of Mary Baker Eddy
Courtesy of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and The Mary Baker Eddy Library for the Betterment of Humanity
While this feature is normally reserved for previously unpublished materials relating to Mary Baker Eddy, this week we are presenting a statement that has been published. In the summer of 1900, at the height of the bloody Boxer Rebellion in China, Mary Baker Eddy was contacted by Frederick Grant, Editor in Chief of The Associated News, a news organization that was probably similar to the Associated Press of today. He had heard that the Church of Christ, Scientist, was "endeavoring by the concentration of the will force of its membership, to influence the course of events in China." He asked: "Can you not furnish us with a signed statement on this subject, to be published in the principal newspapers of America? It seems to us that as there are many who misunderstand the purposes and beliefs of the Christian Scientists, such an article could be made to reach and teach thousands the truth, as you see it, and that it would be to the interest of your church to give wide publicity to such a statement.”
Mrs. Eddy did supply a statement, one that may be little known today because it was never reprinted in the Christian Science Sentinel or The Christian Science Journal. We hope our readers will enjoy considering its relevancy to world events today.
"The need for divine wisdom and love,—Christ's assurance of prayer answered—and the absolute Science of God's allness, moves the Christian Scientist to pray for the peace, prosperity, and brotherhood of all nations and peoples. No will power is used in the Scientist's prayer, since human will must be lost in the Divine, for prayer to be efficacious. In the words of Zechariah: 'Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.' I would ask that all Christians unite in prayer for the cessation of sin—of the oppression of the weak, the accession of power at the sacrifice of individual rights—and especially that Divine Love shield the innocent from the wrath of the guilty, and cause them to praise Love."
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April 22, 2002 issue
View Issue-
Where peace starts
Dave Hohle
with contributions from Jack Plimpton, Susan J. Ehart, Margaret Terry, Barbara P. Roberts, Jim Bender, Robin A. R. Lovci
Philip Jenkins
Prayer on the job can relieve stress
Jane M. Von Bergen
Pakistan church members gather for services
Danica Kirka
Feisal Abdul Rauf
'Everything toward peace has an effect'
with contributions from Kayed Khalil, Mishi Neubach
In a clash of wills: victory or surrender?
Nate Talbot
Flight attendant learns to love despite air rage
Naomi Watson
Prayer in divorce court
Karen Walsh
By Edward W. Gondolf
By Paul Condylis
Civility by Stephen L. Carter
By Warren Bolon Sentinel staff
In her true light...
Mary Baker Eddy
Prayer removes facial growths
John Vance
Faith renewed, health regained
Brigitte Rochaix
Effects of polio not beyond help
Kathie Gould
The promise of renewed love
Channing Walker