We quietly and very gradually backed away. The rattler hadn't harmed us.
We don't have to fear losing anything by giving God's will top priority.
Eternal life is not just a nice religious concept; it is a demonstrable truth.
"My career in show business has convinced me that there is no picture that we could paint about our path in life that would come even close to what God has in mind for us."
What do you think Hannah looked like? Draw her picture on a separate piece of paper.
My legs and abdomen were totally free of pain, and my weight soon returned to normal.
A complete healing of the foot problem took place.
For a short time my head hurt unbearably, but this was also healed by holding steadfastly to God as All-in-all.
Who was I to limit the expression of God's affection for me to the numbers in my bank account?
Self-centered thinking, though we may not realize it, is similar to a sunscreen.
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