Freedom of movement restored

While sowing grass seeds in bare spots in our backyard, I was bending over on my knees to sprinkle the seeds with one arm as I used the other arm to hold me up. While doing this, I noticed a faint ache in one shoulder, so I finished by standing up and tossing soil on the seeds. The rest of the day and night I didn't think about the aches anymore. The next day I also tossed the seeds and soil on another section, standing up instead of bending down. But that night my shoulder hurt all night, and I couldn't sleep.

In the morning I called a Christian Science practitioner for treatment. I also read this passage in Science and Health: "Mind produces all action. If the action proceeds from Truth, from immortal Mind, there is harmony; but mortal mind is liable to any phase of belief" (p. 419). Had I been thinking that by putting my hand on the ground to hold me up, the muscles in my shoulder had been sprained, instead of knowing that only Mind produces action—harmonious action?

I continued studying in Science and Health all day about Mind, action, and muscles, but my shoulder still hurt, and I couldn't move my upper arm. Before I went to bed, I called the practitioner again, and she assured me that I didn't have to suffer. Science and Health points out, "... one cannot suffer as the result of any labor of love, but grows stronger because of it" (p. 387). I knew that sowing the grass was a labor of love, for I wanted my family to enjoy the beauty of the grass in the backyard. After I listened to the practitioner, all the pain was gone. But in a few minutes I could gradually feel the sensation starting up my shoulder. I couldn't stand it, and I knew I had to study the truth more. My husband helped me by sharing many wonderful truths, but the pain was still there. Though I didn't want to call the practitioner again late at night, finally I did call her, and she helped me once again. I rested better that night, knowing God's truth was with me.

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Fostering children's faith
December 20, 1999

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