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Using spiritual tools to bless all: preparing for the Olympics in Atlanta
People around the world are turning their thoughts and efforts to Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States, as the 1996 summer Olympic Games draw nearer. For some months now, Christian Scientists have been working in Atlanta to provide a warm welcome to visitors from around the globe, and to support prayerfully this united effort to pursue excellence—higher, faster, farther!
Recently, Virginia S. Harris, Chairman of The Christian Science Board of Directors, visited Atlanta to talk about the spiritual dimension of their work. Mrs. Harris told the Sentinel that the ideas she discussed in Atlanta could be applied to any event—to any opportunity to respond to community or global needs. Here are excerpts from her remarks.
Your goal of promoting a harmonious atmosphere during the Olympics is inspiring and all-embracing. The dedicated efforts of all involved demonstrate a genuine devotion of thought to helping mankind. A gold-medal effort! And we know that where there is an honest devotion of thought—it "makes the achievement possible" (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 199). Results are therefore inevitable. Each one who participates—athlete or spectator, city worker or church worker—will be blessed. That is the natural and certain outcome of the activity of good, the activity of the Christ.
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July 1, 1996 issue
View Issue-
God will save this city
Allan Arthur Bradley
Indignity isn't man's true status
Tony Lobl
Don't be befogged, be firm!
Judith Hardy Olson
A doctor's insights on Christian healing: an interview with Dr. William S. Reed
with contributions from William Reed
"Eager ears"
Joy Ann Hughes
Using spiritual tools to bless all: preparing for the Olympics in Atlanta
Virginia S. Harris
Tranquillity in Kansas City
by Kim Shippey
Looking for answers to questions about life?
Russ Gerber
In early 1991 I became ill with some type of cold or flu
Robert Leutwiler
For some time I have had a desire to write a testimony for our...
Frances Zimmer Lojinger