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July 1, 1996 Issue
In next week's SENTINEL
World friendship and the Olympic Games
Key to healing: seeing the spiritual fact
How a city survives—lessons from Oklahoma City
For teenagers: True victory
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July 1, 1996
July 1, 1996 issue
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God will save this city
Allan Arthur Bradley
Indignity isn't man's true status
Tony Lobl
Don't be befogged, be firm!
Judith Hardy Olson
A doctor's insights on Christian healing: an interview with Dr. William S. Reed
with contributions from William Reed
"Eager ears"
Joy Ann Hughes
Using spiritual tools to bless all: preparing for the Olympics in Atlanta
Virginia S. Harris
Tranquillity in Kansas City
by Kim Shippey
Looking for answers to questions about life?
Russ Gerber
In early 1991 I became ill with some type of cold or flu
Robert Leutwiler
For some time I have had a desire to write a testimony for our...
Frances Zimmer Lojinger