Many private citizens are looking for ways to help stop crime in their neighborhoods. Here a policewoman who joined the force because of love for her community offers some insights useful to any concerned citizen.
When injustice and wrong seem so rampant in the world, is it still possible to believe in the fundamental goodness of God? Is it possible to live our lives on this basis?
Attempts to define ourselves in merely material terms don't offer much hope. But spiritual healing can give us a different, more compelling, grasp of who we are.
"The Constitution of the United States does not provide that materia medica shall make laws to regulate man's religion; rather does it imply that religion shall permeate our laws.
In our family of five children we've relied on Christian Science healing and have witnessed quick healings of contagious diseases, cross-eye, and injuries caused by a fall from a moving car, among other healings.
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