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On caring for disciples
"I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you."John 13:15.
Christ Jesus
He washed their feet. Soiled, no doubt, on the road to the blind man, the adulteress, the leper, the centurion's servant. Why should we not concede that common men such as these might occasionally need cleansing? Walking in the earth it must ever be, even on the holiest of missions. He did not seem surprised or dismayed—only insistent that they do the same one to another. Perhaps frequently. And even to those disciples close to their Master, who needed it then as now. The laborers are here the same servants. No saints of self-appointed rank. All must wash—and be washed. You must wash those who, by means of much walking, much working (that it might be trodden under foot), have kicked up much earthly dust. You must be washed of them. That sandals of firm resolve may properly fit, to keep pace in unbroken unity, with all who serve God.
Jeannie J. Ferber
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June 12, 1989 issue
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What is your motive for praying?
Marjorie C. Stephens
Bringing to remembrance
Mary Louise Moseley
Patricia P. Wilson
On caring for disciples
Jeannie J. Ferber
Baptism, communion, and Christian Science
Margrit Engelhardt
Know the truth
Joel Magnes
What is most significant about placebos is not so...
Norman Cousins
Share the recipe
Robert J. Rowan
Safety under God's law
Ann Kenrick
Family matters
Michael D. Rissler
It is with deep gratitude that I write this testimony after almost a...
Roberta Moore Ford with contributions from Molly B. Ryder Southard
It is with deepest gratitude that I tell of a healing brought about...
Claudia Anne Clark Luzadder
At one time I was looking for a new job
Lea von Däniken-Steiner
Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy defines the word tithe...
Marion Alice Sanborn