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I used to have an ailment that would hit me several times a...
I used to have an ailment that would hit me several times a year and put me to bed for a week at a time. When this happened I would drag myself around the house doing only what had to be done in the way of housework and cooking.
Then I inherited the library of a dear relative, and one day as I was looking over the books I found Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I decided to read the book and started to do so.
Later I began suffering from one of those aforementioned attacks; and, lying on my bed, I picked up Science and Health from the nightstand and started reading it. Something happened in my consciousness, and I knew I was truly perfectly well. I remember that I got up and said to myself, "Why, I am perfectly well." I had been completely and permanently healed. You can imagine how surprised and delighted I was. At that time I didn't yet know about the healing aspects of Christian Science.
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February 22, 1988 issue
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Do God's moral demands speak to a five-year-old ... as well as to a prophet?
Edmonde L. St. John
Second Thought
Ernest L. Boyer
Home free!
Helyse V. Biggs
Face the small things and heal them!
Alexis Deacon
Outfoxing the little foxes
Regina Smaridge
Overcoming through the Comforter
Jeanne Guerin Bengston
The connection between redemption and healing
William E. Moody
"What's it like to be a Christian Scientist?"
Michael D. Rissler
"I know you are not a thief"
Darren Nelson
One Friday I was playing at school during recess
Shawn Manderscheid with contributions from Diane Manderscheid
This testimony is given with much gratitude and a deep respect...
Helen M. Allison
It is with deep gratitude that I share the following testimony...
Winona Anna Ostler
A few years ago, in the middle of the night, my apartment was...
Anna Kolb Michael