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A few years ago, in the middle of the night, my apartment was...
A few years ago, in the middle of the night, my apartment was broken into. When I woke and saw the intruder, I gave a small cry of terror. He put his hand over my mouth and said that he did not want to hurt me but that I must keep absolutely quiet.
For some minutes I seemed able to hold to this one thought only: "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation." This is from "the scientific statement of being" on page 468 of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. The full sentence reads: "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all." Then I prayed that this young man would never again be tempted to take what did not belong to him. A number of E bonds were taken.
When I notified a government office about the bonds, I was assured that it would not be possible for the man to cash them. As I had a record of the numbers on them, I was told there would be no difficulty in having them reissued.
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February 22, 1988 issue
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Do God's moral demands speak to a five-year-old ... as well as to a prophet?
Edmonde L. St. John
Second Thought
Ernest L. Boyer
Home free!
Helyse V. Biggs
Face the small things and heal them!
Alexis Deacon
Outfoxing the little foxes
Regina Smaridge
Overcoming through the Comforter
Jeanne Guerin Bengston
The connection between redemption and healing
William E. Moody
"What's it like to be a Christian Scientist?"
Michael D. Rissler
"I know you are not a thief"
Darren Nelson
One Friday I was playing at school during recess
Shawn Manderscheid with contributions from Diane Manderscheid
This testimony is given with much gratitude and a deep respect...
Helen M. Allison
It is with deep gratitude that I share the following testimony...
Winona Anna Ostler
A few years ago, in the middle of the night, my apartment was...
Anna Kolb Michael