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FROM THE Trustees
New Trustee of The Christian Science Publishing Society
The Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society is pleased to announce the appointment of John G. Gooding as Trustee of the Publishing Society, effective April 1, 1987. The Christian Science Board of Directors concurs with this appointment.
Mr. Gooding is a lifelong Christian Scientist and lives in Esher, Surrey, England. He is currently the managing director of a major importing firm that had been family owned and has expanded over a number of years. Recently he sold this business to a large European ceramic company but continues to run the firm for them. Because of the nature of the business, Mr. Gooding has traveled a great deal in search of products and consequently has a sensitivity to many areas of the world. He has been active in many aspects of branch church work and will continue to live in Esher and travel to Boston as necessary.
Mr. Gooding's appointment fills the vacancy created when Graves D. Hewitt resigned as a Trustee after serving for three years. We are very grateful for Mr. Hewitt's dedicated contribution to the Trusteeship during a critical period of transition for the Publishing Society. This transition has resulted in major new broadcast activities as well as substantial and continued support for The Christian Science Monitor and the other publications of the Publishing Society.
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June 29, 1987 issue
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Freedom from chance
Louis Abrahams
Ever wish for a rich uncle?
Patricia Ann Sinex
How wide, Lord?
Tony Lobl
Are we claiming our true citizenship?
Jill Gooding
Judith M. Chapman
True strength: physical or spiritual?
Lawrence William Waters
Rising above heartless words
Marguerite E. Buttner
Does God talk to us?
Emily Wright Jaeger
Christians, of course, acknowledge that Will [of God]...
Evelyn Underhill
New Trustee of The Christian Science Publishing Society
Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society
From proscription to spiritual liberation
Michael D. Rissler
On being "more precious than fine gold"
Carolyn B. Swan
Throughout a lifetime of relying on God in Christian Science...
Gloria Christena
While I was growing up in a family of five children, I witnessed...
Gladys M. Hedstrom
This is the way my mother found Christian Science
Betty Hawk Hartwell
For several years our son had been plagued with warts on his...
Debbie Caldwell with contributions from Clayton Edward Caldwell, Josh Caldwell