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Facing the pressures
Being a teen-ager and dealing with peer pressure can be tough. A young man talks about how Christian Science brought stability and happiness to his teen years.
Growing up in one of the largest cities in the United States was not easy. The culture surrounding me from seventh grade up included readily obtainable drugs, rampant premarital sex, and violence. By no means were these problems exclusive to the economic lower class; the middle and upper classes were affected too.
The stabilizing influences in my life amid these surroundings were Christian Science and a loving and close family. Christian Science gave me a clear sense of right and wrong and a radically new way of looking at what surrounded me. It imbued me with a feeling that to be a Christian Scientist was to be different but in a good way. I found that feelings of inadequacy, loneliness, and confusion can be healed by prayer. We do not need to believe that these feelings belong to us or that we need to hide them. The Christ, which evidences God's caring and healing touch, can remove these feelings, which are really only false suggestions about our true nature. Turning to God for help in the way Christian Science reveals, we find that Christ Jesus' promise "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" Matt. 11:28. is fulfilled.
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February 16, 1987 issue
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Facing the pressures
Julio C. Rivas T.
That's entertainment!
Madora McKenzie Kibbe
Alone? or alone with God?
J. Thomas Black
The freedom of spiritual maturity
Barbara J. Presler
Healing and the search for Truth
Kathryn A. Knox
"The time approaches when..."
Allison W. Phinney, Jr.
Drugs: what is their influence?
Carolyn B. Swan
About contributing testimonies
The Editors
During my youth I had close relationships with my grandmother,...
Mary Jane Mills with contributions from Malcolm M. Mills
As I look back over many experiences, I see God's sure direction
Judith Schrader with contributions from Kathleen O. Douglas
I say that I am grateful for Christian Science, but it is impossible...
Clarence H. Kuhlman
Some time ago I had a healing that has been extremely important...
Ida Homberger with contributions from Ruth Homberger
Christian Science first touched my life at a time of great need
E. Merritt Weidner