Don't be afraid of fear

How often the Bible tells us not to be afraid—to "fear not." The Old Testament and New Testament writers knew just how aggressive an enemy fear can be. But someone may say here: "It's easy enough to tell us not to fear—but it is often very difficult to obey that instruction. There appear to be so many frightening things in the world—wars and disasters, and, nearer home, difficulties such as insufficient supply, ill health, loneliness, growing old. Then there are all the things labeled phobias—fear of enclosed spaces, fear of open spaces, fear of flying, and so on; the list seems endless."

The Bible does not merely tell us not to fear; it also tells us how we can start to overcome fear by turning to God. We are counseled to remember His marvelous works, to love God, and to recognize His power. The Bible tells us that God, who created us, also sustains, maintains, and supports us. So when a challenge presents itself and fear presses in, we need to put our whole trust in our Father and go forward.

This response can seem quite demanding if we are looking at the picture of a material man struggling along by himself in a discordant material world. But that picture does not coincide with what the Bible tells us of God's creation. God, Spirit, created man in His image, and man is never for a moment separated from Him.

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The meek shall inherit?
June 16, 1986

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