The realization that we actually live in the spiritual substance, or love, of an infinite God—that we are His children, His spiritual ideas—has a refreshing, healing effect obtainable in no other way.
The incorrect view of man as a material creature having a personality embracing good and evil traits is the underlying cause of personality conflicts and ugly confrontations.
There is one thing we can be sure of as we pray our way through a difficult situation with the help of Christian Science: The minute we accept the fact that God is Mind—the only Mind we express—the basic truth of the situation is seen; usually we begin to experience more harmony immediately.
Last year my school thought it would be fun for individuals to jog a mile each week or ride a bike three miles as a pledge for its Bicentennial historical celebration.
As I look back over more than fifty years of complete dependence on Christian Science, I am deluged with memories of many healings, some achieved through my own prayers and others through the help of practitioners.
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