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My father's mother was a Christian Science practitioner
My father's mother was a Christian Science practitioner. But my mother had thought she wanted no part of it. Fortunately for all of us this opposition was broken down. During the first Christian Science treatment Mother received, through the prayer of another practitioner, Mother was healed of a tumor a medical specialist had said should be removed at once by surgery. After raising two children, Mother also became a practitioner listed in The Christian Science Journal. This was more than twenty-five years ago.
As a very young child and before I learned to read, I was taught "the scientific statement of being." The statement includes these powerful words (Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, p. 468): "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all." Some of the healings that have resulted from the simple declaration of this absolute truth include sprained limbs, broken bones, dislocated joints, infected nails, stomach upset, dizziness, effects of severe falls, and fear of performing in public.
While in grade school one of the first healings I had through my own reliance on God was the quick removal of an ugly wart from my finger. I saw clearly that I could have only what God lovingly gives His children, which includes dominion, and that a wart has no place in God's kingdom. Then I went off to play and forgot about the wart until later when I washed my hands and noticed it was no longer there. The healing was so complete I could not recall which hand it had been on. This healing has always stood out to me as an example of the simple childlike trust and acceptance that "the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword" (Heb. 4:12).
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August 28, 1976 issue
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Stepping-stones to Infinite Progress
Our True Purpose
Stirring Mortal Thought
Phyllis Stoddard
The Comfort of Principle
Practice from "the point of perfection"
Do We Put God First?
Our World Is Intact
Lucille R. Rushton
Brave David
Helen Wood Bauman
Rushworth M. Kidder
Learning to Walk in Spirit
Peter J. Henniker-Heaton
Joy in the Dark Days
Naomi Price
When quite young, I began wondering what life was about
Mildred Pauline Ellerbrock
I must record the wonderful healing effect Christian Science...
Douglas A. Swan
My father's mother was a Christian Science practitioner
Frances Saffell Parker
I am very grateful to my mother and dad for raising me in...
Patricia Hickman Cerullo
"Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build...
Muriel G. Hamilton