Stilling the World's Unrest

Countless words are being published today in an effort to explain the world's unrest and what should be done about it. The efforts are commendable, and wisdom often colors them. But the unrest goes deeper than human reasoning can fully fathom. Mary Baker Eddy says in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "Science only can explain the incredible good and evil elements now coming to the surface." Science and Health, p. 83;

Christian Science, referred to here, provides the remedy for today's restlessness, and its remedy is metaphysical. It is the revelation of creation as God makes it—spiritual. And Science explains the effect of this marvelous revelation on the human mind as it begins to change its basis of life from matter to Spirit and the evil, material sense of existence struggles to survive.

Divine Science, or the truth of being, urges itself upon the world, and its effect is to purify mankind. This change inevitably leaves the material senses with a feeling of emptiness, and people grope for some kind of satisfaction. They are restless until they become conscious in some degree of the spiritual realm that Christ Jesus came to reveal. Then they know what he meant when he pointed to the change that must come, saying, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matt. 4:17; What is real and present cannot be forever concealed.

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Habit or Inspiration?
March 7, 1970

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