Is there one who is weary, bowed down with sorrow, struggling with discordant relationships, plagued by lack and limitation, ravaged by sickness or disease, or simply seeking a higher concept of the meaning of life?
Christ Jesus began his great sermon, which has been called the Sermon on the Mount, with the words that might be said to have been the heart of his life message: "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Often someone who has had a healing in Christian Science concludes a testimony with a remark such as, "I am most grateful for the growth attained during this experience.
Whether or not one is participating in a freedom march or overtly expressing his sympathy with those who desire greater release from limitation, he may still be working directly and intelligently for the liberty that all men rightly inherit.
After more than four years of active military service during World War II, including two years as a combat infantry soldier and finally twelve months in Army hospitals undergoing major surgical operations for severe multiple sharpnel wounds on the entire right side of my body, I was granted a medical discharge.
Frances P. Payne
with contributions from George K. Payne
My written testimony of the healing efficacy of Christian Science and of my gratitude for the privilege of having had this healing religion to rely on all my life is long overdue.
The speaker is Philip Metcalf, a Christian Science practitioner. The questioner is Harlan Witham, a personnel executive.
Questioner: In my work I have seen a number of people who have harmful habits—either harmful to their health or to their careers—which they would love to break.
Officers of branch churches and individuals who have occasion to correspond with The Christian Science Board of Directors, with the Clerk and the Treasurer of The Mother Church, and with the heads of departments of The Mother Church Offices are requested to place their addresses on their letters and to write their signatures plainly.
A directory of all Churches of Christ, Scientist, and Christian Science Societies, including the hours of their services and information about their Reading Rooms, appears monthly in The Christian Science Journal.
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