The face of friendship is the face of love, shining with the reflected glory of Christliness; it has no shaded side of ambiguity, no disastrous depths of dualism, no sinister shallows of treachery.
How much more pleasant this world would be were people to choose to assert their dominion over a situation rather than to blame someone else for it! But mankind are plagued with a universal tendency to blame someone or something for their troubles.
How frequently the exchange of early morning greetings includes observations of current weather conditions! Coupled with this observation there is often the acceptance of the aggressive suggestion that seeming climatic conditions have a debilitating influence which may prevent one from carrying on the duties of the day with a satisfactory sense of achievement.
The future held little promise for actor Alan Young when, as a teen-ager in Canada, he struggled with a so-called incurable disease that kept him out of school for several years.
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