In the opening paragraph of the...

In the opening paragraph of the chapter on Prayer in Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy states, "The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God,—a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love" (p. 1).

For many years I was troubled with varicose veins. I had the help of a Christian Science practitioner, and I myself also prayed and studied, as we are taught to do in Science, giving special attention to the Bible Lessons from the Quarterly. I was also practicing the "unselfed love" of which Mrs. Eddy speaks, because I had to work to support my children. Whenever the symptoms were severe, I received inspiration from the last part of another statement by our Leader which reads (ibid., p. 376), "The pallid invalid, whom you declare to be wasting away with consumption of the blood, should be told that blood never gave life and can never take it away,—that Life is Spirit, and that there is more life and immortality in one good motive and act, than in all the blood which ever flowed through mortal veins and simulated a corporeal sense of life."

I was greatly helped by my study and always received temporary relief, although the healing was not permanent and the symptoms used to recur, sometimes after many months or even years. Much spiritual growth resulted from these years of study, and I often declared firmly another statement from Science and Health (p. 538), "Truth should, and does, drive error out of all selfhood."

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Testimony of Healing
About thirty years ago I heard...
January 13, 1962

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