something higher than merely material ways and means is required to solve intricate individual and world problems, is commonly recognized today, for mankind has many times been brought face to face with the fact that there is no solution of individual or general difficulties, of any satisfactory or permanent character, when sought from the human standpoint.
Austin E. Page, Committee on Publication for the State of New Hampshire,
In a recent issue a correspondent makes reference to a letter of mine concerning Christian Science, and cites several instances in his personal experience which indicate to him that Christian Science is what he has previously stated it to be, namely, a "combination of truth and error.
Miss Constance M. Frost, Committee on Publication for Queensland, Australia,
In 1908 Mary Baker Eddy established a daily newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor, high moral standard of which has been praised by editors, business men, and public officials in every country of the world in which the paper circulates.
heaven to be thankful,"Said a woman at the gate;"It's heaven when you're seeingThat you've really learned to wait;It's heaven—the forgiving,And the blessed standing still;It's heaven when you're listeningAnd you're trusting to God's will.
With a heart filled with gratitude and love for our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, I wish to present this testimony in the hope that it may help someone else who is looking for a religion which heals and protects us from the errors of mortal mind.
Mary Avoca Milroy Smith
with contributions from J. Milroy Smith
In recording for publication the instantaneous healing of a scorpion sting through the work of a Christian Science practitioner, my heart is full of gratitude to our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered and gave to the world the Science of healing as practiced by Christ Jesus.
I, too, am among those who feel impelled to express the warmest gratitude for the great blessings received through the glorious teaching of Christian Science.
The friend who told me of Christian Science presented such a wonderful concept of God to me that to understand "Him whom to know aright is Life eternal".
The Tenets of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, for the use of branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, are printed on sheets containing space for adding the application forms for membership in branch organizations, or extracts from their by-laws.
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