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Five years ago last March I received a most wonderful...
Five years ago last March I received a most wonderful and beautiful healing of neuritis, through the application of Christian Science. For a number of years previous to this time I had spent large sums of money trying to find relief through materia medica and surgery, including an examination by specialists, who told me there was no hope. After leaving them I lay in bed six months and found that I was growing worse all the time—physically, mentally, and financially.
On the afternoon of March 23, 1916, I was advised by a business friend to try Christian Science as a last resort. After a few hours' consideration, with no other desire than to get physical relief, I invited a practitioner to come to my home. In less than thirty-six hours after the practitioner came to my bedside and explained to me that God is Love and that God was not responsible for my being down in bed in pain and sickness, I began to experience a peace of mind that I could not explain to myself or my family. In four days, with some little difficulty, I began to get out of bed, where I had been for eight weeks. In twelve days my wife wheeled me a distance of four blocks, where I superintended the closing out of a small grocery stock. In a few weeks I went to my summer's work, which meant standing on my feet sixteen to seventeen hours each day for ninety-six days. At the end of that time I was completely healed of a disease that a few months before was pronounced incurable by the best known surgeons in the United States.
What I have related above is a very small part of the many blessings that have come to me in my study and application of Christian Science. It has given me a better understanding of God, and an assurance in knowing how to go to God, divine Principle, and that He will supply all my needs. It has made me a better citizen, a better husband, and a better father. My family consists of four members, all of whom, prior to the advent of Christian Science in my home, were taking medicine for some reason or other. But now all the medicine is gone, and we depend entirely on Christian Science for our help of every kind. I am indeed grateful for what Christian Science has been to me and mine.
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October 16, 1920 issue
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Heal the Sick
True Saving
Man Is Perfect
The Practice of Metaphysics
Presentiment and Intuition
A Disillusioned World
Frederick Dixon
Gustavus S. Paine with contributions from David Francis Thompson
I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for blessings...
J. Hunter Scott
With a deep sense of gratitude I give this testimony of...
Lillian Morris
Among the earliest of my childhood recollections there...
Stuart Sessions
I would like to express my gratitude for the help I have...
Josephine Van Horne Brooks with contributions from Julia G. Brooks
Filled with gratitude I wish to relate an experience...
Johanna Hohmann
For a long time I have felt that I should make an acknowledgment...
Ruth Hunter Hendee
Having received so much good through Christian Science...
Linnie Thorsen
Christian Science was first brought to my attention about...
Fylson A. Pohlman
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Roger Babson, Ashely H. Thorndlike
with contributions from Charles E. Jarvis