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Christian Science was first brought to my attention about...
Christian Science was first brought to my attention about twelve years ago through the healing of a friend who was afflicted with serious eye trouble. About one year afterwards I myself was cured of stomach trouble in a few treatments. I had but a very faint idea of what Christian Science healing really was. I thought it was something after the order of mental suggestion and rather scoffed at the idea of God having anything to do with the healing; consequently I could make little or nothing out of the study and gave it up but the healing remained permanent.
My life from a very early period had been dominated by a very great unrest. I did not understand the cause of this mental condition and sought peace and rest in travel, adventure, and even dissipation. But in every place I went I found Truth there ahead of me. Finally it dawned upon me that something was radically wrong with my though and action. Bitter disappointment and great loss swept my life bare of everything desirable, but it was again proved that "man's extremity is God's opportunity," for then came Christian Science with its healing message, the truth about God and man. I have now learned to love the Bible, for when read with the "Key," Science and Health, it has come to be to me the Boo of all books. This study has brought me great peace and joy and I find that the more I learn and understand about God the greater harmony I experience in all my affairs and daily life.
I know that Christian Science is the truth because it is demonstrable. I also have had several other physical healings besides the first one mentioned in this testimony, for which I am deeply grateful to God, to Mrs. Eddy, and to the kind practitioner whose patience and clear thoguth have helped to place my feet on a solid foundation, on the rock, Christ.—Fylson A. Pohlman, San Francisco, Calif.
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October 16, 1920 issue
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Heal the Sick
True Saving
Man Is Perfect
The Practice of Metaphysics
Presentiment and Intuition
A Disillusioned World
Frederick Dixon
Gustavus S. Paine with contributions from David Francis Thompson
I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for blessings...
J. Hunter Scott
With a deep sense of gratitude I give this testimony of...
Lillian Morris
Among the earliest of my childhood recollections there...
Stuart Sessions
I would like to express my gratitude for the help I have...
Josephine Van Horne Brooks with contributions from Julia G. Brooks
Filled with gratitude I wish to relate an experience...
Johanna Hohmann
For a long time I have felt that I should make an acknowledgment...
Ruth Hunter Hendee
Having received so much good through Christian Science...
Linnie Thorsen
Christian Science was first brought to my attention about...
Fylson A. Pohlman
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Roger Babson, Ashely H. Thorndlike
with contributions from Charles E. Jarvis