of the commonly accepted meaning of the word save, humanity has become accustomed to believe in the possibility of an experience of so-called loss.
of us can bear witness from actual experience to the general belief in the error so tersely expressed by Pope in the words, "Man never is, but always to be blest.
or later, for each one of us, all other considerations as a basis of action must make way for us to follow our Master in his acknowledgment of God's omnipotence, as he prayed, "Not my will, but thine, be done.
Anatole France,
unburdening himself on the subject of the great war and its immediate effects, insists that the preponderating result is the disillusionment of Europe; he might have said of the world.
Among the earliest of my childhood recollections there are none more vivid than that of my being forbidden to eat the many good things which a child delights in.
Josephine Van Horne Brooks
with contributions from Julia G. Brooks
I would like to express my gratitude for the help I have received from the study of Christian Science, and for the many healings experienced through the application of spiritual law as interpreted by our revered Leader, Mrs.
With a heart full of love and gratitude to God for Christian Science I send this testimony to the Sentinel, hoping it may help others to know the truth.
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