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The correspondent whose letter appears in a recent issue...
Bobcaygeon (Ontario) Independent
The correspondent whose letter appears in a recent issue is quite mistaken if he supposes that Christian Science would have anyone do otherwise than humbly follow him who is "the way, the truth, and the life." The question arises as to what is involved in following the Christ. Certainly it means seeking Spirit and the spiritualization of motives and aims as opposed to matter and materialism. It is only thus that we can prove the truth of the words of Christ Jesus, "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing."
Mrs. Eddy never imagined that the problem of matter could be solved by saying it does not exist, nor in any other way than by spiritual attainment. Right Hon. Arthur Balfour, in an address on natural science, as president of the British Royal Society, said that matter is explained by being explained away. He said this in the course of his whole argument that physical science fails to explain the universe. Its investigations point to the infinitesimals on the one hand, and to the immensities on the other, and beyond these, What? Christian Science answers that Spirit is the "Alpha and Omega" of reality. Mrs. Eddy writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 124), "The universe, like man, is to be interpreted by Science from its divine Principle, God, and then it can be understood;" and on page 555 she writes, "Creation rests on a spiritual basis."
Of course Christian Science does not reject the incarnation. To depart from a human dogma about a divine fact is very different from denying the fact itself. Christian Science teaches that the appearing of Christ Jesus by spiritual conception and his living exemplification of Truth upon earth is our greatest individual manifestation of infinite good, God. It is equally true that the promise, "Lo, I am with you alway," implies that the Christ is ever present, as God is equally good forever. It is by the discovery of this eternal Christ-power, not by any fictitious and dangerous power of the human mind, that Christian Science heals sickness and thus proves the goodness of God to-day in relation to all human needs.
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January 3, 1920 issue
View Issue-
Beginning Anew
"Tribulation worketh patience"
Man Inseparable from God
"The soul that sinneth"
Spiritual Understanding
The Faith of a Child
The correspondent whose letter appears in a recent issue...
George R. Lowe
Probably quite a few readers of the Post-Intelligencer...
Louis E. Scholl
God's Reviving Love
William P. McKenzie
Newness of Life in Christ
Ella W. Hoag
Authentic Information
The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Elizabeth Gillott, Carlos B. Wilson, Alma J. Foster, Walter H. Troutman, Albert E. Lombard, William O. Baur, Franke B. Skinner, Enid Childs, John Hinxton
Two years ago in lifting some heavy machinery I felt...
Charles R. Mandeville
As Christmas time approaches I am reminded of the...
Anna Beegle Wuertzer
For some time I have felt that I should tell of what God...
Emma Moehlenhoff
After suffering eight years from spinal trouble which...
Ella Mae Storms
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Frank W. Kraus
I am very thankful for what Christian Science has done...
Emma Selina Shaw
Words are unable to express the depth of my gratitude...
Viola Gibson Truesdell
I am grateful for Christian Science because it came to...
Frank Sargent Bartlett
Nine years ago I did not know anything of the power of...
Fannie Scherer
I would like to express my gratitude to God for what He...
Edward H. Schmults with contributions from Mrs. Edward H. Schmults
I took up the study of Christian Science just to learn...
Ellen Hudson with contributions from Harvey Carlton Hudson
Five years ago I was indeed a mental wreck through...
Sigrid E. Bengelsdorff with contributions from Arthur H. Bengelsdorff
Homeward Bound
Signs of the Times
with contributions from David H. Fouse, Karl P. Harrington