I am grateful for Christian Science because it came to...

I am grateful for Christian Science because it came to me at a time of great need. Brought up in an orthodox church, at an early age I rebelled at its inconsistencies, and believing that truth was not to be found in religion I turned to the study of the physical sciences, philosophy, biology, and medical research. Just as I looked to the last for the healing of bodily discords, so did I look to economic theories for the healing of discords in the body politic. Failing to find God through any of these inquiries I became a confirmed atheist, and as a result of a conscientious effort to apply those teachings that I thought to be right my world began to topple down around my ears.

Just then a non-Scientist proposed my seeing a Christian Science practitioner. I did so, and as the truth unfolded to my thought the world was built up anew. I found God where I had never thought to look for Him; that is, as divine Mind. Through relying upon Him for support the desire for thirty to forty cigarettes a day has been destroyed. I have been healed of bilious attacks, headaches, chronic bowel disorder, recurrent attacks of tonsillitis, bronchitis, and asthma. A skin trouble of twelve years' standing vanished in three days. An ingrowing toenail has also been healed. Through knowing that there is but one business, that which reflects the activity of the one Mind, I have been enabled to bring out a higher sense of business. By knowing man as spiritual and perfect I have been enabled to eliminate from consciousness somewhat of envy, jealousy, malice, revenge, self-love, and the like, and have been led to love my fellow man. As a consequence of all these proofs I know that I have found God.

I am grateful for the work of Christ Jesus, the Wayshower, and for Mrs. Eddy, through whom the Comforter has come.—Frank Sargent Bartlett, New York, N. Y.

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Testimony of Healing
I did not come into Christian Science through physical...
January 3, 1920

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