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Probably quite a few readers of the Post-Intelligencer...
Seattle (Wash.) Post-Intelligencer
Probably quite a few readers of the Post-Intelligencer have followed with interest the various articles which have appeared from time to time on church union, written by ministers of various denominations. Though students of church history and those skilled in Scriptural exegesis may have followed these lengthy, erudite discussions with interest and perhaps profit, it is difficult to see wherein anything has been accomplished toward the desired end. It seems instead that the rather bitter and uncharitable remarks which have crept into some of these articles have tended to widen the breach between the churches that are represented in the controversy.
It is not the purpose of this article to intrude upon or to enter into this discussion. Christian Scientists are willing to leave all arguments on subjects that separate denominations to those who are interested in them. Since, however, a clergyman in one of his articles took occasion to characterize Christian Science as an evanescent creed, and to repeat the oft repeated statement that it is neither Christian nor scientific, a reply is in order. Webster defines evanescent as, "On the point of vanishing; imperceptible; infinitesimal." Those who are familiar with the growth of Christian Science in the fifty years of its history, would not likely agree that the movement is "on the point of vanishing," "imperceptible," or "infinitesimal," for in that comparatively brief time this church, founded by Mrs. Eddy, has had a growth unparalleled by that of any other religious body; and while its teachings have been misunderstood and often ridiculed by many who think they offer service to God, yet its progress has been steady and unchecked.
Whether Christian Science is either Christian or scientific, or neither, depends not at all upon the opinions of learned theologians. The test of its Christianity is whether it bears the "fruit of the Spirit," which Paul says "is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance." It has been rather commonly observed that Christian Scientists are a happy people. This happiness is no surface coating, but is an outward manifestation of an inward joy and peace that comes from right understanding of God, man, and the universe; or, in other words, it is the proof that righteousness is bearing its perfect fruit.
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January 3, 1920 issue
View Issue-
Beginning Anew
"Tribulation worketh patience"
Man Inseparable from God
"The soul that sinneth"
Spiritual Understanding
The Faith of a Child
The correspondent whose letter appears in a recent issue...
George R. Lowe
Probably quite a few readers of the Post-Intelligencer...
Louis E. Scholl
God's Reviving Love
William P. McKenzie
Newness of Life in Christ
Ella W. Hoag
Authentic Information
The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Elizabeth Gillott, Carlos B. Wilson, Alma J. Foster, Walter H. Troutman, Albert E. Lombard, William O. Baur, Franke B. Skinner, Enid Childs, John Hinxton
Two years ago in lifting some heavy machinery I felt...
Charles R. Mandeville
As Christmas time approaches I am reminded of the...
Anna Beegle Wuertzer
For some time I have felt that I should tell of what God...
Emma Moehlenhoff
After suffering eight years from spinal trouble which...
Ella Mae Storms
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Frank W. Kraus
I am very thankful for what Christian Science has done...
Emma Selina Shaw
Words are unable to express the depth of my gratitude...
Viola Gibson Truesdell
I am grateful for Christian Science because it came to...
Frank Sargent Bartlett
Nine years ago I did not know anything of the power of...
Fannie Scherer
I would like to express my gratitude to God for what He...
Edward H. Schmults with contributions from Mrs. Edward H. Schmults
I took up the study of Christian Science just to learn...
Ellen Hudson with contributions from Harvey Carlton Hudson
Five years ago I was indeed a mental wreck through...
Sigrid E. Bengelsdorff with contributions from Arthur H. Bengelsdorff
Homeward Bound
Signs of the Times
with contributions from David H. Fouse, Karl P. Harrington