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The first time Christian Science was offered to me,...
The first time Christian Science was offered to me, though I eagerly bought and read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, I was too materially minded to recognize the revelation, and after some months put the book aside. However, when divine Love again called me, some years later, I was more awake; and since then my greatest desire has been to learn more of divine Principle and to put into practice the teachings of this demonstrable religion. Various discords that formerly were considered normal are being overcome through learning more of the nature of God and man. In my own family I have seen gout, croup, and chilblains disappear through the application of the truth. Colds have almost entirely ceased to appear, whereas they used to be very frequent. Better still, faults of disposition and character are giving way before the light of Truth; among them irritability, intolerance, selfishness, domination, and fear are lessening, while more gentleness, regard for the rights of others, and peaceful happiness are being manifested.
Some months ago our house was on fire, and the efforts of my husband and myself to break into a room where one of the servants was helpless with fear and smoke, were in vain. During the time that he was absent trying to get a heavier implement to break down the door, the smoke began to pour toward me. The suggestion came as to whether it was any use to stay there in vain, perhaps to be suffocated, while my children needed me, but the truth instantly drove out the error with the remembrance that man's senses are spiritual. When my husband came back and broke into the room, the girl was lying insensible on the floor. The clouds of smoke were so thick that he nearly stumbled over her, and a neighbor, who came in and helped us carry her down, was so affected by it that he had fits of coughing all day; but after that swift vision of Truth I literally had no perception of smoke or sense of suffocation. The girl recovered in a few days, and I am so thankful that none of us suffered from any sense of horror or shock. That night I did wonder if I should dream about the flames, but after reading the Lesson-Sermon, which was on "Substance," I fell peacefully asleep. Another proof to me that Christian Science is the truth, is that even children can use their knowledge of it to solve various problems. When my little boy was five years old, he made his first demonstration by overcoming tiredness when two miles from home. One of my little girls demonstrated over a skin trouble so severe that she could not go swimming all one summer, because of the condition of her skin.
I am so grateful that God sent His messenger, Mrs. Eddy, to reveal to this age not only that the life and works of Christ Jesus are absolutely practical, but also how to obey the Master's command to do his works. I love our periodicals, and my gratitude is renewed weekly to those who prepare the Lesson-Sermons, without which I should now feel spiritually starved. Christian Science is to me the "pearl of great price," the increasing joy of my life.
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August 2, 1919 issue
View Issue-
The Third Commandment
Reliance on Truth
At "the ford Jabbok"
Music in the Church
A Lesson from the Sea
The Walk to Emmaus
A rector only a few weeks back deplored the fact that...
M. Scott Till
Our critic writes that Christianity is not a science, that...
Harry Vandegrift
Christian Science insists upon the absolute necessity of...
Aaron E. Brandt
Inspiring Motives
William P. McKenzie
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Eva Gonthier, Arthur Norwood, Harry A. Garrett, Agnes P. Nelson, Arthur J. Todd, A. L. Cheeseman, Arthur W. Byrne, Bertha B. Bliss, Henry C. N. Ellis, R. R. Pratt, Emma Francis Hotchkiss, O. W. Fell
It was with no idea of obtaining physical healing that I...
Eric W. Carr with contributions from Walter Carr
It is a joy to bear witness to the healing power of Christian Science
Bertha McLaughlin
We read in Psalms, "No good thing will he withhold...
M. B. Paul with contributions from Alberta C. Paul
Not only has Christian Science been my only physician...
Effie B. Zimmerman
The first time Christian Science was offered to me,...
Enid M. Renny with contributions from Henry W. Renny
For several years I have been a daily recipient of the...
Elsie Leonard McKim
I am very grateful for what has been done for me and...
John C. Byrd with contributions from Lena M. Byrd
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Orvis F. Jordan, J. D. B.