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"The signs of the times"
"A total eclipse of the sun was to take place. At the appointed hour, people supplied with smoked glasses were standing on towers and on roofs of high buildings to watch the phenomenon. To a student of Christian Science who had learned to look beyond "the things which are seen" to "the things which are not seen," this incident revealed grand lessons. With what faith in the wisdom of the astronomers people sought the high places. Their trust was justified indeed, for was not the astronomical calculation based on the unerring, unfailing laws of mathematics? Nobody expected interference: they all knew that the natural order of events proceeded according to unchanging, unalterable law. Not all the tumult on earth could interfere with this law; nobody supposed even that the sun might suddenly move a little faster or the moon take its course a little higher by accident, or that the earth might fail to be in its proper place at the right time. Every one felt certain that the eclipse would take place at the exact minute, for the law that governed it was felt to be immutable. Nowhere was there a sign of fear or doubt or even anxiety. The people waited joyously and patiently, knowing that what they were looking for was bound to come.
While watching the expectant crowd, a familiar passage from "Retrospection and Introspection" by Mrs. Eddy (p. 61) came to the student's mind, "Man's harmony is no more to be invaded than the rhythm of the universe." This rhythm of the universe, as exemplified in the eclipse, was almost awe inspiring; and to think that the real man's harmony is as unalterable in every detail as the movement of these celestial bodies,—that the same unchangeable law holds man forever in his right course! No inactivity or over-activity of mortals could ever prevent the occurrence of the eclipse. There was present only the one perfect activity, that of God; it always had been and always would be. Then, how could ever a belief or fear of inaction or overaction interfere with man's perfect, normal activity? Does not the same unalterable law govern all? And because of this, people watched the sky with serene confidence. Was there any other law operating on earth than that of which Mrs. Eddy assures us on page 8 of "The People's Idea of God," where she says, "Mind, that governs the universe, governs every action of the body as directly as it moves a planet and controls the muscles of the arm"? Why should not our faith be as serene, our trust as confident, in the one instance as in the other? Is not what is called a Christian Science treatment based upon the unerring, unfailing Principle of being? And should it not be relied upon even more than men rely upon the laws of mathematics? Yet, do mortals look for the result ofa righteous prayer, a correct application of the understanding of Principle, with the same expectancy as that with which we look for the result of an astronomical calculation? Do we ascend the high places of spiritual consciousness; do we look through the glass which shuts out material sense and fix our gaze steadfastly on the reality of being? Do we know that the result is inevitable?
The eclipse proceeded. When the climax was reached the earth's noises seemed to hush in awe as if something dreadful were about to happen. No wonder our forefathers hid in terror during an eclipse, thinking the world was coming to an end. We knew, however, and the spectacle had no terror for us. Is not a so-called crisis in the case of sickness met in this way in Christian Science? The aggravated conditions which once were dreaded, when often nothing remained to be done but to wait for the terrible "something" to happen, are viewed calmly, in the knowledge of the omnipresence and omnipotence of the law of Life and Love. Fear vanishes before knowledge, and God, divine Mind, is seen to be supreme.
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January 11, 1919 issue
View Issue-
A Forbidden Subject
The Holy Grail
"He that serveth"
Angels and Protection
"The signs of the times"
Truth Always Triumphs
The Secret
The Great Physician," the subject of a sermon reported...
George R. Lowe
Leader and Leadership
William P. McKenzie
The Messiah
Annie M. Knott
William D. McCrackan
The Lectures
with contributions from Lewis L. Harney, Lydia Pool, Sybil L. Forsythe
Having freely received I wish freely to give
A. J. Cone
It is now eleven years since I first heard of Christian Science,...
S. M. Summerfield with contributions from Gertrude Summerfield
It is now about four years since "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Edward Noakes with contributions from Edith Noakes
While visiting my home city about eleven years ago, I...
Nellie Hutchings Klasen
My heart is full of gratitude to God for my knowledge of...
Alice M. Coolidge
About eighteen years ago I first heard of Christian Science,...
H. T. Pennypacker
Six years ago I became interested in the study of Christian Science
Jessie B. Gardner
I am thankful to Christian Science for the healing of...
Lucy Coldwell with contributions from T. Coldwell
In sincere appreciation of the benefits derived from...
Amie Cunningham
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Winifred Kirkland, Joseph Fort Newton, Frank A. Manny