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Angels and Protection
The definition of angels, as given in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy (p. 581), "God's thoughts passing to man; spiritual intuitions, pure and perfect," is very helpful, especially at a time like the present when the human mind is looking everywhere for guidance and direction. Mrs. Eddy also says on page 174 of this textbook, "The angels of His presence—the spiritual intuitions that tell us when 'the night is far spent, the day is at hand'—are our guardians in the gloom." Many of us are learning through the teachings of Christian Science how to entertain these angels and bring into practical experience their healing presence. Many times we have wrestled all night with error, as did Jacob until an angel came and delivered him. The ninety-first psalm, illumined through the teachings of Christian Science, which is so dear to all Christian Scientists, has been one of my greatest helps, and from the many testimonies given by soldiers in the trenches, we know that it has been for many of them a staff upon which to lean, carrying them safely through the many dangers they have encountered.
I have had many opportunities to prove the practical side of this wonderful teaching, and the following incident is but one of many. Several years ago, while in the employ of one of the transcontinental railroads, I decided to take a week-end trip across the mountains to the other side of the state, to visit a city where I had never been before. It was my custom when walking along the street to ponder the ninety-first psalm, and on this particular day the passage, "He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways," seemed to have a special meaning for me, although up to this time there had been no fear of any kind regarding the trip, which had been looked forward to with the greatest of pleasure. About an hour before train time, however, a great sense of impending danger came over me. I tried to analyze my thought to see what was causing it, but could find no reason for fear; yet it seemed impossible to silence the voice which kept urging me not to go.
As train time drew near, a sense of rebellion began to creep in, for I well knew that unless the fear was destroyed the trip would have to be abandoned. Then the argument took place in my thought that it was only error trying to keep me at home, that there was no reason why I should not go. I was trying to be guided and directed by Truth, however, and might not this be an angel, a spiritual intuition? I had to acknowledge there was no vital reason why I should go, and that the trip could be given up without the slightest disappointment if this was the right thing to do. So I put away all thought of it and went about some household duties. On arriving at the office Monday morning I was met with a great demonstration of surprise, for they all thought I was on the train, which they informed me had gone into the canyon. On being asked why I did not take that train as I had planned, I simply said it was because I had a feeling I should not go. One person remarked: "If you get warnings like that you had better always take them." Can anyone fail to see why Christian Scientists are grateful for a teaching which shows them how to avail themselves of the protection and care of divine guidance? My gratitude knew no bounds, in the first place for having been taught how to listen, and also to be obedient.
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January 11, 1919 issue
View Issue-
A Forbidden Subject
The Holy Grail
"He that serveth"
Angels and Protection
"The signs of the times"
Truth Always Triumphs
The Secret
The Great Physician," the subject of a sermon reported...
George R. Lowe
Leader and Leadership
William P. McKenzie
The Messiah
Annie M. Knott
William D. McCrackan
The Lectures
with contributions from Lewis L. Harney, Lydia Pool, Sybil L. Forsythe
Having freely received I wish freely to give
A. J. Cone
It is now eleven years since I first heard of Christian Science,...
S. M. Summerfield with contributions from Gertrude Summerfield
It is now about four years since "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Edward Noakes with contributions from Edith Noakes
While visiting my home city about eleven years ago, I...
Nellie Hutchings Klasen
My heart is full of gratitude to God for my knowledge of...
Alice M. Coolidge
About eighteen years ago I first heard of Christian Science,...
H. T. Pennypacker
Six years ago I became interested in the study of Christian Science
Jessie B. Gardner
I am thankful to Christian Science for the healing of...
Lucy Coldwell with contributions from T. Coldwell
In sincere appreciation of the benefits derived from...
Amie Cunningham
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Winifred Kirkland, Joseph Fort Newton, Frank A. Manny