The Seward-Fairbanks route has been officially selected for the United States government railway in Alaska, setting in motion many plans for the further development of resources in that territory.
common credence given to corporeality, belief that a physical body expresses the real identity of man, has become so tenacious in its continued acceptance that it constitutes a reason why it should seem to offer a strong resistance to spiritual facts and take a stand against every advance of the truth.
During the past fifty years it has occurred at times to a number of otherwise well-informed individuals to aver, as did a clergyman quoted in a recent issue, that Christian Science is not entitled to its name; that its adherents are deceived; that its teachings are unsocial, etc.
The statement that "no reference can be found in the Scriptures wherein Jesus ever claimed to be God," made by a Christian Science lecturer and reported in your paper recently, does not deny the divinity of Christ, and the conclusion that it does, can be only as a result of false reasoning or lack of information as to Christian Science teaching.
We note in a recent issue, in a report of Evangelist—'s meeting, a very unfriendly and seemingly unnecessary criticism of Christian Science, in which he classes it with spiritualism and other isms, and refers to it as a system of false religion.
A certain evangelist has ventured to attack the Christian Scientists, but any one at all familiar with the teachings of their faith cannot fail to recognize that it is founded on Christ as the Wayshower.
In a recent issue of the National Sunday Magazine, in an article by a medical doctor entitled "Call the Mind Doctor," I find a statement concerning Christian Science.
of Christian Science have sometimes assailed it as "a rich man's religion," because they have noticed that the attendants at the Sunday and Wednesday services held in the Christian Science churches are, as a rule, well dressed and even prosperous in appearance.
Christian Science has done so much for me in bringing peace, joy, and good into my life, which before seemed beset with discord, despair, and evil, that words cannot express my thankfulness to God, and my gratitude to our revered Leader, Mrs.
Sufficient time has elapsed since the first beneficent influence of Christian Science came into my life to prove that its effects were neither illusory nor transient.
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