For the simplification of pleading and practise and the correction of any unnecessary delay or unreasonable cost resulting from practises under the rules as they now exist, the Supreme Court of the United States will revise the equity rules of the minor federal courts during the next term, which begins in October.
the gospels we read that Christ Jesus said, "Cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.
trial, and mishap drive investigation back through the course of error to its cause, and for the reason that true premise and correct process, as we well know, always beget both the assurance and the realization of harmony.
many ages the purity, simplicity, and confidence of the child thought has been held before humanity as a pattern, the kingdom of heaven being likened unto it; yet very seldom do we find ourselves giving the matter serious attention.
An article in a late issue entitled "Mental Healing as a Science" gives a somewhat interesting, and we think authentic, description of the ancient use of magnetism as a curative agent, but it is altogether too sweeping when it includes Christian Science as one of the many systems of treating disease by "mental suggestion.
That there are many well-authenticated cases of cures through faith, apart from Christian Science, we think no one who has looked into the matter will deny, and that such cures point to the mental nature of illness would be conceded by most men.
The Express acknowledges with profound appreciation the receipt of resolutions adopted by the Los Angeles County Eclectic Medical society, endorsing its attitude on the subject of sex hygiene instruction in the public schools.
In a recent issue it is reported that at the services at the Adventists' camp in your city, a clergyman took occasion while delivering a "stirring address" on the "origin, nature, and tendencies of modern spiritualism," to criticize Christian Science.
How often, when seemingly overwhelmed by threatening danger, the terror-stricken one has longed to hear spoken to him those words of glad assurance that came to the little group of disciples in the ship, as they watched in the dawning light one who was approaching them across the tossing waters.
experience has to do in large part with things as human sense finds them, and the great majority even of professed Christians accept the so-called common-sense, materialistic view of substance, and contentedly trudge along in this "broad" mortal way.
is sometimes asked whether Mind is ever unconscious in its operations, and there need be no difficulty in answering this question if the Mind which is God is understood to be the only Mind, as we learn in Christian Science.
with contributions from Almon Burtch, Van Hoeson, David C. Hunter, L. L. Woods, David Brimble, Ranney Scott
At the lectures given by Bicknell Young in Ninth Church edifice, and in Lincoln hall, South Chicago, Almon Burtch, first reader, made the introductory remarks, and again in Ninth Church, Mrs.
I, too, would express my thankfulness to God for the many blessings it has been my privilege to enjoy since Christian Science has become my daily study.
Lucile Edwards
with contributions from Elizabeth Bushyager, Ida Spuhler
When the healing possibilities of Christian Science were realized, and I found that I was really to be restored to a life of usefulness, I promised our heavenly Father that my life should be spent in helping others to become conscious of this ever-present source of life, and whenever opportunity presented itself to give a cup of cold water in Christ's name as an expression of gratitude.
O wondrous
name, yet oft abusedBy those who know not what thou art,So often do we long for loveAnd think it cometh from the heart!This name is freely on the lipsOf men and women, young and old.
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