[ Translated from the German.

I desire to testify again to what Christian Science has...

I desire to testify again to what Christian Science has done for me. Last year I cut the thumb of my left hand very badly, but I declared the truth for myself and had no fear. The thumb was bandaged, and I trusted in God, who heals all our ills. Two weeks later I looked at my finger for the first time after the injury, and it had been healed so wonderfully that no trace whatever of the cut was left, neither had I felt the slightest pain in the finger.

I must also give thanks for the rich blessings that have encouraging demonstrations of the power of Truth. Since I have known Christian Science, that is, for the past four years, I have come to the conviction that all good comes from God only, and that we can have health, peace, joy, and full satisfaction only in Him. Four years ago I was in Dresden for some time, and last year again, so as to have a better opportunity to study Christian Science ; I attended the Sunday services and Wednesday evening meetings, and returned home each time richly blessed. Now I can say with a heart full of love and gratitude to God, and to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who has again cleared the way to truth : "The Lord hath done great things for us." Truth has lifted me above worldliness, and has made me happy. My happiest hours are when I can read Der Herold der Christian Science,whereby I have been freed of many an error. My wish is, that many people may discern through Christian Science the truth that makes us free.

Therese Roedig, Steinbach b. Johanngeorgenstadt, Germany.

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Testimony of Healing
It is over six years since I first became interested in...
November 27, 1909

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