I cannot find words to express my gratitude for all that...

I cannot find words to express my gratitude for all that Christian Science has done for me. For many years I suffered from heart disease, but the last eight years I was quite helpless, unable to do anything, and sometimes could scarcely speak. My lungs, too, caused me great trouble, but now I am able to breathe with ease. I also had a goitre which was very painful, but all pain disappeared after the first treatment in Christian Science. My healing was almost instantaneous, and since then I have been able to do anything. As a rule I did not worry about my illness, although my sufferings were sometimes almost unbearable, but occasionally I used to wonder what would become of me. I felt certain that I could never get well by any human means, for the doctors had given me up, but I am happy to know that there are no incurables in Christian Science.

How thankful we all ought to be that God never changes ; that He is ever waiting to bless and help us, to heal all our diseases, to guide and protect us from all harm, if we only trust Him. I am most thankful to God, also to Mrs. Eddy for her priceless book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." To God be all glory and honor for His great love. — Edith Pitkin, London, England.

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Testimony of Healing
I desire to testify again to what Christian Science has...
November 27, 1909

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