I very gladly bear witness to the power of Truth to heal,...

I very gladly bear witness to the power of Truth to heal, as I owe a debt of gratitude for the wonderful healing that has come to me through Christian Science which never can be fully paid. From childhood I suffered more or less all the time, and was attended by physicians at frequent intervals during all these years. While there is no doubt that they worked to their highest understanding to try to heal me, they failed to do so, and after my diseases had become chronic and the physicians stated that they could not be healed, I turned as a last resort to Christian Science. I then found the truth of the testimony in the Holy Scriptures, that God is a present help in every hour of need. One of the diseases from which I suffered, and of which I was healed by Christian Science, was severe uterine trouble; another was a chronic sore in the lower part of my limb which caused me constant suffering, the pain at times being almost unbearable. Besides these was an affection of the heart, which the doctors claimed had existed from infancy; also liver and kidney trouble, one of the doctors stating that the latter was very serious. I had been subject to fainting-spells, but this too was entirely healed through Christian Science, nor has there been any return of the trouble.

It is now about fourteen years since I turned to Christian Science for healing and experienced the bliss of emancipation from the bondage in which I had been held. I have not only experienced this blessed freedom, but have witnesses many other cases of healing. It has been a joy to meet with others of my acquaintance and listen to their expressions of gratitude for the wonderful healing that has come to them, and for the moral and spiritual uplifting which they have experienced through this blessed truth that was demonstrated to the world nineteen hundred years ago by Christ Jesus, and which has been discovered in this age by Mrs. Eddy and given to the world in the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." I am also grateful for the wisdom that directed her in opening a college and instructing students in it who have gone out into the world and have put into practice the truth that was taught them by our revered Leader; and for the sweet Christian lives that are being lived by these practitioners of Christian Science. I long for the day when the whole world will have become acquainted with the interpretation of God's law as given through Christian Science, for it will indeed bring a realization of God's kingdom come on earth as in heaven. Hoping that this simple testimony may be of benefit to some one who is groping in the darkness,—seeking rest and finding none, as I was,—I hereby submit it.—MRS. MARY HOULDEN, Hamilton, Ontario.

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Testimony of Healing
From my early schooldays it was a regular occurrence...
February 2, 1907

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