As I take it, the real Christian Science practitioner (who...

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As I take it, the real Christian Science practitioner (who should not be confounded with the quacks who hang on to the ragged edge of every new cult) is inclined, when he fails, to lay the blame on the practitioner and not on the remedy. I have a sort of sneaking idea that if the professors of materia medica would adopt the same attitude towards failures in the application of their remedies it would at least lead to considerable progress in the practice of medicine.

In knocking around for about forty years, during most of which time I have been able to "sit up and notice things," I have learned this: Whenever you find a man of woman whose life touches that of others for betterment and help—as that of this woman [Mrs. Eddy] certainly has—then in the life of that person there is strength.

But when I came away from the Christian Science lecture I was convinced of one thing. My ministerial friend was mistaken when he said that Christian Science is a fad. A fad is something that you put on like a mackintosh. Christian Science, on the other hand, is an integral part of the life and being of its believers.

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The Lectures
July 22, 1905

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